The Impact of Lupus - Essay ExampleAs Petri puts it, "Instead of fighting infection, the immune system attacks 'self/ the person's normal tissues" (qtd. in Meadows 29). An examination of the causes, symptoms and treatment of lupus helps one to better understand the physiological impact the disease has, while a look at families coping with lupus and certain other symptoms illuminate the psychological aspects.Researchers have attempted to combat lupus by pinning down its origin or causal factors but thus far they have been largely unsuccessful. There are many factors that appear to be closely associated with lupus, and a combination of these factors may be responsible for its origin. Experts believe that it develops from complicated genetic and environmental factors. The fact that it is mainly the women who contract this disease and that it is more prevalent in certain races (Asians, Hispanics, and African - Americans) point to genetic determinants. Moreover there is some evidence that it runs in families.