The Morality of Murder Dostoyevskys Complication of the Trolley Problem When is one morally approved to take anothers life? In Fyodor Dostoyevskys significantly acclaimed philosophical specialist story, Crime and Punishment, the maker lights up a couple of noteworthy existential and enchanted difficulties that are all around material to understanding the human condition. The story centers around the narrative of our holy person Raskolnikovs arranged manslaughter of the old bug, Alyona, a self-serving, morally indefensible pawnbroker. Additionally, it delineates the other crime, of Alyonas, as it were, ignored (anyway judiciously imperative) spurned, weak, and duped relative, Lizaveta, in the books opening territory, similarly as Raskolnikovs coming about, (as it were, inside driven) Punishment. Dostoyevsky sets up a couple of divisions between philosophical equal limits, different which Raskolikov tries to oblige in the remaining five territories of the novel and its epilog.